Blowin’ in the Wind

The meanings in Bob Dylan’s song, Blowin’ in the Wind, can have so many interpretations, depending on how you apply it to life in general or your own life.

As I sit here at my desk today, I’ve been listening to the wind howl around the house. We have 40 mph+ winds until sometime tonight. I’m not sure why, but I’ve always felt that when such winds arrive, they not only bring a weather change, but it seems the wind also brings life changes.

333 Pictures, Images and Photos

This past year, for me personally, has been a wild ride. This morning, I’ve sat here eating an omelet and drinking a cup of black cherry tea, thinking about how January 2009 actually marked the beginning of many changes—and proved just how good natured I am and how that said nature often sets me up for people to hurt me.

And how about Bob’s lyric about a man and the roads he travels? Well, how many times do I have to prove myself before I’m allowed to be who I am? It turns out that I’m still too trusting of people, especially when it comes to business online and Internet friendships. Why is it that when I offer my hand to help, someone inevitably decides he or she wants to control or use me? And why do I continue to help even after I’ve been bitten several times?

I guess the answer is riding on the wind today—now if only I could catch it.

One thing I have learned throughout all of the chaos and upset this year is that God and my family comes first. No matter what is done to me, what hurtful things are said about me, or how I may be hurt by those who suffer jealousy and control issues, all such things do is make me stronger. However, on the flipside of this 2009 chaos I’ve developed some truly beautiful friendships with people of like minds, so I know I’m not alone in this. (You know who you are and I love you all.)

I leave you with a few tips today. Things that you’ll probably feel are no-brainers, but few ever pay attention—and for a long time I was one of them.

Never allow someone to control you, and if people hurt you, use it as a life lesson and grow from it; if you do not, then you’ve allowed it/them to defeat you. Words might hurt, but whether on the phone, the Internet, or a letter…they are only words.

Internet drama is high school bs. Plain and simple. Step away from it, ignore it, and move on. If you allow it to bother you, then the cause of the drama wins.

Never accept someone’s words as truth unless they’ve proven their trust. Always keep an open mind, listen astutely, and observe all.

In this day and age, there are many wolves in sheep’s clothing, and the Internet has fingers that reach throughout the world, so it can be both a blessing and an evil.

And next time the wind roars around your home, office, or the car as you’re commuting, ask yourself this: what change is blowing in the wind and can I learn from it?

~ by bicknellbrown on October 7, 2009.

22 Responses to “Blowin’ in the Wind”

  1. Got a few things blowing in the wind here too (not just in my pants either…snarf), and I agree with you. I’m ignoring those who are out to upset/hurt me and concentrating on what matters. People can only hurt me if I care about them. Those that are currently causing me shite…umm, I don’t give an eff about them, so therefore they aren’t hurting me. They can continue, they can push further, they can keep poking, but my skin doesn’t feel their fingers. I’m numb to anyone now who fucks me over (excuse my language).


  2. Very insightful blog, especially with the wind is blowing here too. Good point — ignore the drama and don’t let it get the better of you. Something that I need to learn.

  3. Or make them madder…but then it’s only bothering them, so that’s their problem.


  4. I seen something here recently that seems to fit, it said people are only jealous of you cause they wish they were more like you. I find that most people who use us are just people that cannot be the kind of person they know us to be. As someone that unfortunately gets used more than appreciated, I have come to accept that some people just feel they are entitled to whatever they can get their greedy little hands on. God made me a better person than them…better in that I know who loves me above all and I do not need to use others to make myself feel better. If I can help someone else, great. I do not need recognition for what I do…it is just that I remember above all else…There go I but for the grace of God. And that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The trials we go through will either destroy us or make us stronger. Which it is depends on the choices we make. A wind of change is always good as long as we use it to better who we are as people.

  5. The wind must always blow here. lol. Every time I open my eyes things are changing. When I friend someone online or in person I expect them to be as open and honest as I am. That’s hardly ever the case. From me…what you see is what you get. 🙂

    Even with family a person may think they have a certain type relationship and trust…only to discover how mistaken they are.

    For all the bad, I keep trudging forward, trying to find the good in life and in people.

    Always in search of that elusive silver lining…

  6. I too have a rude awaking this year and I agree with you the wind is blowing in change for big time. At home and with my writing. I have met some fabulous people this year and wouldn’t trade them for the world, but for the others it was a learning experience that’s all I can say.
    Love you Lady!

  7. Always move forward, looking back at the past (hurt) will just make you trip.


  8. Dang, Faith! The more I read from you, the more i’m convinced we could have been twins seperated at birth. . . from the abuse, to the barely struggling to get by from day to day, to the backstabbing. . . and of course the country life and the kids. I could go on, but I won’t. What I will say is this. . . you are not alone. All your true puppies on AWH love ya and are behind you 100%. We may not be able to support you financially, but we are there for you in every other way that we can be. And we want you to know that. Whenever you need us, we are just an email away. Big hugs to you.

  9. I am not as trusting as you, Faith, but it doesn’t keep me from being burned. But if we live our lives afraid of getting burned, we’ll never experience life. (sigh) Some days, I would just rather stay in bed. LOL


    • Well, this past year had burnt me so badly that I’m afraid I’m too cynical about people but I think I’d rather be too cynical than get burnt again.

      • I’m right there with you. Someone I considered my friend showed her true colors. “Friends” must mean something different for both of us. I’ve stopped calling her, although it’s been hard as this has been a hard year with Aurora and various other things going on too. (sigh)

      • I know what you mean, hon. I’m to the point where I’m afraid to talk to anyone and have what I say twisted or used against me. I know who my friend are, but even then I still hang back a little, yanno? And what’s worse are those who call themselves friends and break friends up just to sit back and watch how things unfold and see how much hurt can be caused.

        Oh, well, at least I know you and a handful of others are always true.


      • Yup. I think there are only two, maybe three, people I trust now. Two of them are related to me. (sigh) It’s sad. Certain friends I will share certain things with. Very few people do I share everything with anymore.

        It’s very rare that you see a group of women (and men) who hang out all of the time and can trust each other with everything like they show in the movies. I suppose that’s why movies are considered escapism, just like fiction, since they rarely reflect reality.



      • I’ve always wondered the same about groups of men and women who hang out too. I’ve often wondered if such relationships that are portrayed in Sex and the City are real as well.

        My childhood friend hasn’t spoken to me for nearly a year because I wouldn’t let her keep my kids for a few days. They were just starting to recover from the flu, so when I said no, they were staying home, she got mad and hasn’t talked to me since. I don’t understand her anger about it, I mean come on. They had the flu! But, I decided I’m better off not having her in my life. Does it make me sad? Yes, but my kids’ happiness and welfare comes first.

  10. Intersting and thoughtful post, Faith. Everything changes, though, doesn’t it? Whether we want them to or not, and keeping up can be difficult.

    Take care 🙂

  11. That’s really good advice, Faith. I’m sorry it’s been such a hard year for you. This year has brought us many changes, but I take it as a positive change that needed to be done. I guess God had to force it on me to get me off my fanny. LOL

    That tea sounds delicious, and taking a few moments to reflect on life. God bless you and all that you lay hands to. You’re in my thoughts and prayers often. HUGS

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